I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.

Эштон запостил фото Morning in moscow.
Комменты доставляют:
Oct 31, 2010 Linda said...
Looks so clean and peaceful! I wonder where their homeless are? Ours here are in the city in the day and under bridges at night. No one should be homeless in any country, Sad ;-((
Да, бездомные на красной площади живут.)))

Oct 31, 2010 Chona Dyyke said...
Shut up Ashton, where's your naked pic??

@темы: реальность, bohaha, pic

01.11.2010 в 22:33

I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours. ©

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