I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.
То, что они целый вопрос посвятили бровям Каме, вызывает у меня приступ дикого умиления! Ах, эти брови! 
10: I'm curious to know whether you yourself tend to your trademark eyebrows, Kamenashi.
Kamenashi: I sometimes ask for them to be trimmed when I go to the hairdressers or to the make-up artist but I rarely pay attention to them when I don't have work or when I'm resting at home. I shaved them thin once when I was young and then I couldn't go outside after that with it in an awkward state so I think I kept it thin from then on.
© Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia

10: I'm curious to know whether you yourself tend to your trademark eyebrows, Kamenashi.
Kamenashi: I sometimes ask for them to be trimmed when I go to the hairdressers or to the make-up artist but I rarely pay attention to them when I don't have work or when I'm resting at home. I shaved them thin once when I was young and then I couldn't go outside after that with it in an awkward state so I think I kept it thin from then on.
© Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia
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Боюсь, что таких постов очень мало, а про что-то личное гораздо больше, поэтому мне будет не очень комфортно, если тут будут висеть люди, которым интересны только такие посты...
А где есть полное интервью?)))