I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.
Э.. разница между мной и Каме равна 360 градусам.© Джин
Кстати, кто-нибудь смотрел/читал ВанПис? Какие по характеру Санджи и Зоро? В каких они были отношениях?
Ибо: R-ONE KAT-TUN No.168 2009.06.16
[12:30] It seems they had fun with KAT-TUN wondering what characters they would be. Kame is Sanji, Koki is Luffy, and Akanishi is Zoro. Ueda was indeed Chopper and Nakamaru was Usop (of course). Taguchi seems not to have a character, at that time the subject wasn't considered. Nakamaru asks if Ueda knows about Metal Gear and Ueda says no. Anyway Nakamaru would like to be the main character, Raiden. They laugh.
Кстати, кто-нибудь смотрел/читал ВанПис? Какие по характеру Санджи и Зоро? В каких они были отношениях?
Ибо: R-ONE KAT-TUN No.168 2009.06.16
[12:30] It seems they had fun with KAT-TUN wondering what characters they would be. Kame is Sanji, Koki is Luffy, and Akanishi is Zoro. Ueda was indeed Chopper and Nakamaru was Usop (of course). Taguchi seems not to have a character, at that time the subject wasn't considered. Nakamaru asks if Ueda knows about Metal Gear and Ueda says no. Anyway Nakamaru would like to be the main character, Raiden. They laugh.
т.е. какими бы они не были разными, все равно стыкуются в одной точке
все равно стыкуются в одной точке
Это ваще откуда?
Но это из старых фраз Акваниши.
ммм... наверняка это та самая чувствительная точка, о которой любят писать фиграйтеры