I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.
Izaki ну, китаянки и переводили... однако с ним у меня так же как с письменным японским - никак.) Думаю, выражение священного ужаса лица Коки говорит не о еде)))
I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.
Tara перевела этот момент:
throughout the filming, jin had only been quietly smiling (← according to tvpia) and the only time he spoke was when kame was stuffing his face with the egg/rice thing a la
so anyway. when kame got back from letting everyone try the seaweed
kame: (referring to the eggs) i can't eat this, right? it's for akanishi? jin: it's okay, i'll eat later. kame: really? this shall be my breakfast then~ *happily starts eating* (he hadn't had breakfast yet and he has DB in the evening) jin: i'm nice. *smugly* kame: *ignores and eats* jin: *repeats a little louder* i'm nice.
then everyone starts teasing kame about usurping jin's helping and asking him to not be so selfish (you can actually hear it on the show, apparently)
ecasolo аааааааааааааааа!!!!!!!!!!!!! они прекрасны!!!!!)))))) *сыплет сердечки* спас Черепаха от голодной гибели?)))) *вешает Джинни медальку на грудь* конечно же он nice!!! спасибо)
вот бы еще знать, что там написано))) а то мало ли там фангерлят "Джин/еда, что ест Каме"))
Думаю, выражение
священного ужасалица Коки говорит не о еде)))упс, а это Коки???)))))))
наличие сердечек раааадует)))
Tara перевела этот момент:
throughout the filming, jin had only been quietly smiling (← according to tvpia) and the only time he spoke was when kame was stuffing his face with the egg/rice thing a la
so anyway. when kame got back from letting everyone try the seaweed
kame: (referring to the eggs) i can't eat this, right? it's for akanishi?
jin: it's okay, i'll eat later.
kame: really? this shall be my breakfast then~ *happily starts eating* (he hadn't had breakfast yet and he has DB in the evening)
jin: i'm nice. *smugly*
kame: *ignores and eats*
jin: *repeats a little louder* i'm nice.
then everyone starts teasing kame about usurping jin's helping and asking him to not be so selfish (you can actually hear it on the show, apparently)
kame: but i'm not nice.
аааааааааааааааа!!!!!!!!!!!!! они прекрасны!!!!!))))))
*сыплет сердечки*
спас Черепаха от голодной гибели?)))) *вешает Джинни медальку на грудь* конечно же он nice!!!
ыа)) какая прелесть)