Title: "Your New Best Friend"
Author: soundczech
Disclaimer:This is not real. No infringement intended.
Summary:Jin thinks he has been replaced.
Notes:This is a response to samenashi 's drabble meme prompt: "rockin like its 2005: pinky rings". Needless to say it just grew and grew and it seemed kind of ridiculous to try to post it in the comments. It is kind of ridiculous generally. I am sorry Tegoshi fans, all opinions contained herein are Jin's and not mine.
Warnings: Sappiness, douchiness, homophobia, angst.


Обожаю такого Джина - жуткого собственника. Такого спокойного Каме. Таких... их.
В сценах телефонных разговоров, в Старбаксе и "лунатизма" я рыдала в истерике. Такой позитив.)