Нравятся мне ее жанры и предупреждения)

Title: Private Lesson (shut up, I can’t think of anything else XD)
Author: amairo_parasol
Genre: Porn yay! \/
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: akame
Disclaimer: Nah, I don’t.
Summary: It’s the scenario that Jin’s always dreamed of, being alone with Kame in a classroom. He never would’ve thought how easily his favorite kouhai could turn the tables on him... especially when wearing a girl’s uniform.
Warnings: Crossdressing. It’s porn. And uh, have I ever mentioned how much I laaahve seme!Kame? ;D He needs more love.

For sun_ming (until I can get to a scanner and show her my doujinshi).

A/N: I’ve wanted to write this kind of scenario for a while now. Why yes, hello, I’m a perv. XD I figured I might as well write it before school starts again. Douzo~