Давно я так не веселилась! Меня просто поражает юмор наших западных фандомовцев!
Открываю фленту и первое, что вижу:
Pairing: Jin/Junno
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He opens his eyes and the world slides into view.
Warnings: The obvious, orgasm denial, seme!Junno, weirdness idek. Джуно - сэмэ! Что они курят?
Я тоже хочууууууUPD: Меня ща порвет от смеха!
А вы можете представить себе Тагучи
зверем? Вот и я нет. Зато, могут они...
Варнинг! Это жесть!Junno fucks him hard with two fingers, each thrust infuriatingly calculated with its graze against the one spot that reduces Jin to whimpers, pulling back ever so slightly when Jin snaps his hips forward for more. He really is in pieces now, distraught, falling apart involuntarily at Junno’s hands, yet the restrictive hand still hinders his release. When Junno commands him to come with a taunting quick curl of his fingers inside him and the release of his other hand, Jin does in a frenzy. Finallyfinallyfinally he comes, violently, choking back strangled yells with his teeth in Junno’s shoulder.