“But personally I feel the happiest when ‘m choosing the presen while having that person in my mind”
“I don’t just buy things for others on some special occasions or birthdays, sometimes I would just wander around and suddenly have this thought ‘oh xxx would look great in this top’, *ага, мы заметили. * of course I would end up buying that top and give this top to that peron as a gift. Sometimes I would even give my juniors some of my clothes, but obviously they don’t count as presents!”
Kazuya-sensei: What did Jin do on the computer when he studied aboard?
Akanishi-sensei: I watch all your performances in Japan on the internet!
О да, Каме знал.
Перевод kioko-u.
Классные интервью!
| понедельник, 12 июля 2010