Блин, а это весело! Честно, случайно наткнулась! Довольно популярный запрос, как оказалось.)
* Buy tighter underwear, doing this your can keep your penis closer to you body, or have it faced down when it is hard.
* Use physical force. Putting your hand in your pocket and holding your penis to the side can also help but it might hurt a little.
* When all else fails, go to the bathroom and "tuck it in" pointing up and held with the waistband of your trousers. Don't make it hurt, just hold it in place. The erection will be much less noticeable, and will go away presently. Then, pull up your waistband and free your poor penis.
* Hold something cold in your lap if you can do so discretely.
* Wear a cup. A small, concealing athletic cup that doesn't protrude and just hides the erection would work in this situation.
* Wear a belt. This way when clear, you can reach down and pull the penis up under the belt, so its tightly squeezed between your gut and pants.
* f your pants have pockets, put your hands in your pockets and adjust your underwear to hug your penis against your body, while it's still pointing up, of course!
* You may find it helpful to attempt a difficult mental math problem. For example, try to mentally compute the product of a pair of Two-Digit numbers, i.e., try to do 23 x 57 without writing anything down. Blood will flow to the brain in order to help solve this problem, and out of the penis. It doesn't even matter if you can't actually solve it. Just try.
* Some women will find your situation highly offensive. You could have a sexual harassment complaint filed against you. Keep the situation to yourself.
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