2010.03.31 KAT-TUN Style и рабочее
Who does the most body touching in KAT-TUN?
T: A person that randomly touches?
K: Kame or me.
T: I haven't really been touched before. Kame touches?
K: Yeah. Weeell, isn't it that you don't really notice it? When you come to, it's like suddenly.. for example it's like going "pon!" on the back, but we touch. Kame and I.
T: He~h!
K: Iya, not each other! *laughs*
T: Are you guys together!? *laughs*
K: I'm not saying that we touch each other! I touch lots of people
T: Eh, so. I do things like "Hey!" too [he says "hey" in English lol]
K: There's that kind of thing too. There's that, and for example like "Hey! Let's go!" and patting the butt
T: Ah! I might do that!
K: I touch pretty often
T: Ah~ Where do you like touching?
K: The butt!
*both laugh a lot*
K: I don't know, it's easy to touch
T: Ah~
K: During the "I'm going!" part too, I touch pretty often!
T: I'm a person that doesn't touch much
K: Ah, that might be true
T: I think it'd be ok if they were younger. But I wouldn't ever touch someone around the same age or older than me. So I probably don't?
K: I do.
T: You do. That's why there's a lot [of "body touch" it's technically a noun in Japanese ]
K: Iya, that's why if Kame and I are there, we might touch each other. Although Idk *laughs*
K: Idk. Since we don't notice it
T: It's natural ne
K: Yeah! I touch
T: It might be the two of you huh
K: So the two of us might get arrested ne. For sexual harassment
З.Ы. сегодня же 1е апреля, точно. Вот почему у меня на раб.столде висели голые сиськи с утра, а на стене славы рядом со мной фото Брэда Пита. Рядом с Владом - Анжелина Джоли.) Посмотрим, что он учудил еще.)